How can I explain my passion for living “Way Out Here?” Let me count the WHYS:
- One – the beauty of nature, a constantly changing feast for the senses. An endless variety of plants that flower, bud, leaf out, change color, then drop their leaves and go dormant as the seasons change. But the seasonal changes are like a distant view, there is so much more. When we look at all the changing scenes of a single day, from the visual heralding splendor of the rising Sun, through it’s journey across the sky with all of its fellow travelers, until the sun once again ducks behind the horizon and ends the day with as much spectacle and fanfare as when it began it’s trek.
- Two – way out here it’s truly quiet – at least part of the time. Instead of the constant droning of man-made machines, the wild sound that you will hear comes from wild things. The distant yelp of a hen turkey, the call of a red-tailed hawk, the cooing of a dove, the haunting whoooo of an owl. And these are only a few members of a gigantic impromptu choir performing a unique opera which was never sang before and will never be again. A symphony of voices, punctuated by genuine silence. To recline in your porch swing, drinking in all these sights and sounds is a sure recipe for refreshment of the heart and soul.
- Three – out here at night, when it should be dark, it’s dark. Without the fog of light pollution, on a clear night, a slow moving light show of galactic proportions can be seen. The moon & stars, planets, pulsars, comets and meteors. When you see all this slowly moving around you, it’s hard to believe you are not the center of the universe. Yet you feel so small! This experience fills not only the eye and the heart- don’t forget the soundtrack of the night. Thousands of tiny beings performing a calming, hypnotic lullaby, not just for you, you’re not the center of the universe, remember? And yes, you are pretty small, when you think of how big creation is. What are we, that our Creator is mindful of us? Sleep well, you’re in Good Hands.
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